Andrea Lovett has been writing since she was able to hold a pen. She has been published in magazines, newsletters, and blogs. Andrea is co-founder of two time award winning non profit and the Boston Story Slam series which has become the hottest new "thing" in Boston.
Andrea's mother often said "she was born talkin an tellin tales". Andrea has been telling professionally since 1992. It has been said her storytelling style is pure magic. From the moment she begins to speak her audiences are caught up in the magic of story. Her tales are told to audiences from 0 to 100. Her repertoire includes over two hundred stories and growing. She has told in venues throughout the United States including Disney World Florida, First Night in Boston, and more recently in Europe at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic , several pre-schools and the Royal Crescent Park in Bath ,England. Andrea has taught storytelling workshops/residencies at Tufts University, Lesley College, public and private schools and festivals across the country and does special contract work for Young Audiences of Massachusetts. Andrea has been featured in several articles in the Globe including her most recent "The Truth in Telling".4/8/12